Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hand shakes

Ever shake hands with guys who shake your hand without any strength at all? That is pure ill-manner!

In my last diving trip, there was this guy, we shook hand when we were being introduced. He literally just "hand out" his hand for me to shake/hold....... There was not the slightest strength from his hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who the hell does he think he is????? A Prince of Saudi Arabia? How ill-mannered! I had to really restrain myself from slapping him in the face!!!!!!!!

I've experienced this dozens of times, but he's the worst. It's like that hand is handicapped. I'm sorry that's a crude remark but that was the fact. Please don't ever let me meet this guy again... uurrggghhh..... cannot stand it..................

Why do guys shake hand like that anyway??? Shy? That's not shy, that's ill-manner..............

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