Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Everything nature (4)

Few days of CNY holiday, I had a lot of fun shooting around in my garden with my dslr.

Notice anything special in this photo?

Notice the two "things" sticking out?

My bro said it's some insect's eggs. A closer look.

Brilliant sunset yesterday. I quickly ran in the house to get my camera. You know how fast sunset disappears.

Just so magnificent~

I took a torch, shining on plants to look for bugs, insects. My bro asked me what was I looking/searching for. I said, "ANything~!"

Can you see anything here?

It's spiderlings. There were every where~!

I've never seen so many spiderlings at one go in my life! So adorable!
It felt so much like I was doing a night dive. In the sea I was taking photos of crabs, on land, spiders. It's so similar!! Really bring back memories...

Imagine a deep voice saying "Hhheeelllllooooo ... hhhaaappppyyy nnnneeewww yyeeeaaarrr.."

Guess it's mating season for these. They were everywhere, mating day and night.
I'm beginning to have fun with my dslr~ loving it!


Anonymous said...

Your photo's on the insects and flowers look pretty good. Better than mine!

Michelle said...

thanks thanks :) i am still learning.