Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harry Potter

I read Harry Potter 6 from 2pm yesterday till 3am this morning... 13 hrs... stopping only to shower and eat and pee. Never have I finished a thick book like that in one day. Never have I so enthralled in any story like that.

However, every time I finished reading a Harry Potter story it made me depressed. With each consequent story getting worse... Harry Potter 5 was already bad, with Sirius Black gone, the one person whom Harry really liked and whom was Harry's godfather. And now Harry Potter 6... with Dumbledore gone to be one of the portrait in the headmaster's room... Dumbledore died.. I have guessed this would be it. And I am right.

I was so tired at 3am having finished the whole book. But I couldn't sleep, depressed.. Dumbledore's dead. Harry Potter's story affects me greatly. I wonder why. It's fiction for God's sake... but still...

I cannot fathom J.K.Rowling's mind... Why would she wants Dumbledore dead? It's bad enough she put Sirius Black to death... I feel this, somehow, is too much to take for a children's story. I'm an adult, I didn't take it well... what about the kids? I wonder how the kids feel after they've read the book.

I wish Dumbledore didn't have to die... It's really sad...

Note: At the point of writing this post, there were not many who knew about my blog. And those who know, I know that they don't read Harry Potter. So I didn't put any "contains spoiler" warning on the top of this post...

I have caused someone to unwillingly "find out" Dumbledore will die in the book...
I should not have written this post... I apologise to those who read this post BEFORE they finish reading Harry Potter... Sincerely apologise... I'm sorry...

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