Sunday, March 16, 2008

What an inconsiderate pig!

Recently JB-ian who works in Spore and goes back and forth everyday has had to walk for longggg distance to cross the two countries' borders due to the Mas Selamat escape thing. The roads are seriously congested due to tight security. Everyone is complaining. If one of these affected people sees Mas Selamat, they'd probably beat him up first before calling the police.

Then yesterday, Friday, the day where most JB-ian goes home from Spore. I had to use passport lane to clear custom instead of the usual access card lane. It was soooooo packed with people...... Poor angmoh also kena stucked there... Lucky I was in a pretty good mood, I didn't mind the wait. I had to queue for about 45 min I think. The queue was ok. But the little girl queing behind me with her mum... was killing me. I hate people kept bumping my body or my bag when queing behind me. Why the fuck do they have to queue so near???!

When I finally cleared the custom, my bro and I chose to walk across the causeway instead of waiting for the bus. For those who doesn't know, the pathway for people to walk across the causeway is only wide enough to allow 2 person walking side by side. Usually people noticing there are people behind them want to walk faster, they'd move aside and let others through. But often we can see those who don't care and if you wanna "overtake" them, either you say "excuse me" to them or you can choose to risk your life by using the vehicle road to "overtake".

Then yesterday, 2 Indian women walking side by side, oblivious of the people behind trying to overtake. But the motors were zooming passed very fast, it's dangerous to step on to the vehicle road to overtake. One girl took the risk after a longgggg time walking closely behind trying to overtake to no avail. Then it's my turn. I walked close behind and said to her ear "Excuse me", expecting her to move aside.

But guess what she did? She said "Where do expect me to move?"

What the fuck??!

I yelled at her, "You can move behind your friend what?! Just for a short while only!! Is that so difficult??!"

Man.... it felt good when she couldn't answer me anything. I don't understand these people.... She was already being very inconsiderate. When being asked nicely to move over she gave me such a fucking attitude. What a pig! These people should just vanish into the air and the earth would be a lot less populated and the world will be a greater place.

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