Sunday, February 22, 2009

American sunflower~!

Look at this, look at the surprise I went home to on Friday night.

This is an American sunflower~ My bro bought the seed via internet. I couldn't wait until day time to take the photo.

This is the normal size sunflower, a different breed.

The flower is soooooo big and heavy, so it's a bit crooked. Its stem is about the reach the size of my wrist.

I asked my bro to tie a string to the fence so that it can better support itself. Note the small sunflowers at the side.

I have to climb on a ladder to get close to it~! The flower is bigger than my big head~!

Compare the size of different breeds of sunflower. It grows to this tall in 2 months!

Reach for the.. not star, but sunflower.

The glorious sunflower~!


阿彤 said...

SoooooOOOoOOOOOo beautiful!!!
I love sunflower! Envious..

Michelle said...

yeah~~ cute hor~ hahaha..