Saturday, March 06, 2010

Nature Trekker

Some time back, there're some exhibition at Toa Payoh central. They are nature/environment related groups/societies. One of them is Nature Trekker. I signed up as a member, because it's free. Yeah, I'm "cheap", I know. kekekeke. but who cares. They have activities such as guided day tours and other wildlife related activities in Singapore. Recently there's one tour to Pulau Semakau, an island being used for landfill (no, it's not a dirty place full of stinky rubbish). I signed up for it, along with Gabriel. (It's not free of charge)

After I signed up the tour, they sent an email asking us to fill in our particulars, asked for office tel no., home tel no, mobile no, office address, home address, etc etc. In the email, it said, even if we previously sign up as a member, we'll still not be considered a member unless you fill in ALL the particulars, not one thing less. It also said one will not be considered a true member until you joined at least 4 tours in a year. Like, what the hell is so great with this society, huh?

The email also said, Semakau is a highly controlled island, therefore permits are needed to visit there, and therefore we need to fill in a lot of particulars. Fine. But I thought they said "you will not be considered a member until you fill in ALL the particulars"? So now we're fulfilling the society's requirement or the government's?

Upon seeing so many things that I need to fill, I felt a little annoyed. So I did not fill it and told Gabriel, forget it, don't want to go. Then few days later the person in charged called my mobile but I did not hear the phone rang. So they called Gabriel, asking if we're going (as we did not send in our full particulars). Gabriel told them why I did not fill in the form. The guy then explained.. the place is highly controlled, gov wants to know who is visiting, blah blah blah. BUT as I said they also said in the email it's for their membership, blah blah blah. They talked for so long on the phone! So long winded!! Even after Gab said "ok, understand" and told him we will fill in the form n pay.

The same night, I emailed that guy and asked how to pay. He replied in a short while. I then sent in money via internet banking immediately. I followed the instruction : sms the guy after I paid online. He replied saying will check the payment.

So I thought everything is firmed. One week after that, he emailed me "1st reminder", big big word like loan shark. I replied "You sound like I still owe you money." and he asked have I paid? By which method? and said "I managed to contact everyone except you." WHAT THE FUCK??!!! We exchanged email and sms and how the hell was I uncontactable??!! He said he called me twice but the fact is I only missed his call once. Oh and by the way, his number, is a "private number". No matter what the reason, I dislike people who uses private number, what? doing something indecent and don't want to let people know your number? I have every right to reject calls from private number anyway. And you want to blame me??!

Anyway, I said we've exchanged email and sms after I paid, how the hell was I uncontactable? I wanted to say "how the FUCK was I uncontactable?" but I 忍。。。。。。。。。。。。。

In the end, he said got the money. I sms Gab to tell him how annoyed I was and this will be the last time I join this stupid society. Gab then told me, the day after we paid, this guy called him and asked have we paid? Gab of cos replied we've paid. And then he still sent me "1st reminder"???!!! What the fuck?!

You know what else is annoying? He kept sending reminders to us about what to bring, don't be late, blah blah blah blah blah. For GOD'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! In total, not counting the one he thought I haven't paid, he sent 3 emails. "1st reminder", "2nd and final reminder" x twice. Like, what the shit!!!! The tour is tomorrow, Sunday. He sent a sms reminder on Friday. He sent another sms reminder on Saturday. That's a total of 5 fucking reminders!!! And because a binocular is a must to bring, he sent another 2 or 3 emails telling people that IT IS A MUST and if we don't have it we can buy it from them. For a simple 5 hours tour, so many unnecessary emails were sent. So annoying!

GOSH!! "Reminders" IN RED are supposed to be used for people who still owe you money or whatever shit. A "gentle reminder" is what is supposed to be used to remind people about what to bring and don't fucking be late! I think this guy imagined he's a lawyer, likes to send people "REMINDER". It's so rude!

Gab said he must be an old man. If he's an old man, maybe I'll forgive him. But I think, after the tour tomorrow, I will write him an email. First, to take my name off the membership (if I am already a PRESTIGE member of theirs, that is). Second, I am going to tell him that's not the way to organise a tour. I am goign to tell him how annoying he was. And I'm going to remind him of the story "狼来了". People who always lie, when he's telling the truth, no one will believe him. He keeps sending all these stupid reminders, people will just ignore and not read his emails and might do all the "don't" in his email. I'm seriously goign to write to him to remove me from their mailing list. Call me petty. This is how I am. It's unacceptable to be so rude, to send people reminders in red when I am not owing him anything.

In my opinion, the most, 2 email reminders (along with the message about binoculars being a MUST) is enough. One sms reminder the day before the tour is ENOUGH! We're adults for crying out loud. GOSH! SO ANNOYED!! I'm glad tomorrow is the tour. No more emails from them!!

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