Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Reality Show/Celebrity Wannabe

Nowadays you can't turn on the tv without seeing a reality or superstar or xxxxx idol show.

Everybody wants to be a star now. And it's easier than ever to be a star in this era. There're endless competitions for anyone to take part in. Before you're even in the final you will probably have fans waiting for you outside the tv studio already.

What I hate about these shows is, why the hell does everyone who has lost or kicked out of the competition had to cry????!! It's just one competition for crying out loud. I don't see people crying like that at funerals anymore but at these shows... And it's not just girls who cried, the men too. What is wrong with this world?? What happen to the macho men? What happen to our teaching of 男人流血不流泪 ?? Yes, the new generation consider man who cry, I should say, who is not afraid to shed tears, as sentimental, affectionate. And I respect that. But for a goddamn competition? Come On~ If you really want it that much to be a star then go and take part in other competition! Cry for what??!!

Watching too much of these shows is not good. It instil a "kiasu" culture amongst the youngsters. You'll notice how the kids nowadays dread losing... Little kids, they can become depressed for losing in one competition. I guess telling them " 失败乃成功之母" is of no good anymore.. sigh... What has the world become??

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