Sunday, May 20, 2007


I went to the zoo twice this month It is always good to see the animals again. But the zoo is doing a few big renovations, I didn't get to see cheetahs, African hunting dogs, penguins, sea lions, there was no raccoon in sight.... didn't see my favourite meerkats either... very disappointing. And I noticed the animal numbers had reduced.. or maybe didn't come out from the cage where they stay at night. For example, mandrills, the two times I went this month I saw only 2 of them... It used to be a big family. Chimpanzees' numbers also reduced.

Otters. So cute they are. Last time it used to be more otters too.

My friends with white tigers in the background. But there're no "normal" tigers leh... Sumatran tigers etc...

Sloths~~~!!!!! Last time I saw them they were high in the tree tops. This months' two visit we had close encounters. They are not as slow as I imagined. They have 2 toes(or claws rather) but they still can grap things with it, no problem at all. It's amazing to see them hang there by their feet only and stretch to get the fruits.

They love carrots. The bats were damn fierce, they bite the sloths to fight for the fruits... And bats are very greedy. They kept squeezing as much fruits as they can into their mouth even when they haven't finish chewing and swallow.. Their cheek expanded till sooo big... sooo.. funny.

There's only one fish in this picture.
Don't know what fish is this but it look very alien.

Baboons, one of my favourites. This one looks so lonely. I suspect the other visit earlier, it was him who always sit near the waterfall too.

This young one, his face... looks exactly like one of my uncles..............

Feeding time~ this is one of the few exhibits where visitors can purchase food to feed the animals. They will do trick to get you to throw the bananas to them. I love this place!

I forgot what primate is this. This one here was begging food from the caretaker. Sooooo cutee~~

The most worth visit : fragile forest. It's a dome where animals run freely with humans around. This one here , oh my God , so cute. If only I could steal it and become my pet. hehe.. Ehm, no, I should say if only I could own a place like this dome. Where I can keep animals in it, and they won't have to be kept in cage with little space to run.

Another favourite, lemurs~. Yesterday's visit, they were sleeping. Not fun.

The one and only who was awake and drinking water.

My favourite of the favourites~! Chimpanzeessssss...... baby......... so adorableeeee...

I think the thing in its mouth was grass.

Favourite favourite too! (well, nothing seem not to be my favourite.... except zebra and giraffe) Too bad they are always high on the trees. Well, at least I had one chance in the past to hold an orang utan's hand, which the caretaker yelled at me "Don't let him pull you or lead you...! You are the human, don't let him decide where to go..." ............ hehe.. well, I felt bad not letting it go where it wanted to go.....

Orang utans are just so laid back.....

Polar bear mum Sheba. Sheba has live past recorded polar bear's lifespan in captivity. It was planned that after her demise, her son Inuka would be sent away to a colder country. A poll show that over 60% of people disagree with this decision. Just about a month ago, the experts had agreed that it will not benefit Inuka to send him away due to several reasons. First he'll be in stress after his mum passed away. To transfer him to other place will only add his stress level. There is a possibility that he could die during the transfer. And polar bear lives in solitary in the wild, therefore it is not to the contrary if he remains in the zoo. Something like that. I am glad that he gets to stay. What chances would there be for people like us to see a polar bear apart from the zoo? Of course we would like to see animals live freely in the wild. But sacrifices have to be made in order to educate the young generation to appreciate and love the animals. Then only will they think of protecting them when they grow up. This is Inuka.

I've been to the zoo quite a few times but had never seen them swim for long in the water. This was our lucky day. The two of them came just beside the glass pane. The mum Sheba was very active, kept swam and swam and swam.... Inuka just kept floating next to the glass pane and looking at his mum. Thus, his buttock kept facing us. haha... They swam so close and we the visitors were exhilarated~ Truly magnificent animal.

My colleague told me she loves the polar bear exhibit the most. But I told her we were lucky. They were often just laying around most of the time. And she told me now she understand why I like to come back to the zoo. She said she will definitely come back to~ ha~

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