Thursday, January 17, 2008


I am really the broke loh.

Tuesday I went shopping alone, walked till my feet were about to break and I bought nothing. Suppose to go gym yesterday but changed plan and went shopping again.

Finally, bought something I've been looking for some time. Bought a pair of working pants from G2000, milky colour. I wanted a white/milky colour skirt but it's so hard to find. So I settled for a pair milky colour pants instead. It's new arrival, no discount, sian. But it's an "investment" for future better job. haha.. Last few weeks I bought a working dress at Chinatown. Kind of ex too but all these are more professional looking attire, which is worth it.

Then I bought a diving vest from RipCurl. It's $145......... really the damn broke liao. I've been looking for this kind of vest in dive shops but those super ugly ones already cost $135. Spend another $10 for very pretty design is worth it~ Furthermore it's got titanium inner lining (provides more warmth) which the $135 one doesn't have. See below pic, nice right? :D but mine is with grey stripe not blue.

I'm broke. And I haven't got my Nike top. Siao liao. Feb has to renew my diving insurance. Lagi siao. March going diving. Oh My God, where do all these money going to come from???

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