Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bugs & spiders

Photos of bugs and spiders AGAIN~

I love ladybird, don't you? They are so cute.

These are some weird looking caterpillars. Looks a bit like rambutan with a human face..

No idea what this bug is. Some kind of beetle..

This spider was kind of cute isn't it? The pattern on its body, quite nice.

This is another tiny one on the plant.

This one is something, caught a fly same size of its body. This spider looks similar to the one above, but this is hairy and the first one is not..

A friend told me he was frighten by a mimic ant spider when he was little. It's red colour, mimic those big, red ants, not the black tiny ants. So I guess this might just be the mimic ant spider he mentioned. It does look like those big red ants.

Too bad this photo was not sharp enough. It kept moving...

This grasshopper was quite big...It came rested on one of our plants one day, and remained there for a couple of days... Then it left. But it came back again, almost on the same spot! We're sure it's the same one cos its front left leg was broken.

Moths everywhere...

On the same night, there were 2 of these and another species of moth in my house.

Now the tiny bugs I once posted in the blog. This time they are really grown up.. until they've become green colour. Green colour and red eyes... kind of sinister looking. Not that cute anymore. The big green one in this pic, you can almost see its babies contained inside its big fat body!

There were sooooo many.. urrghh..... they really look disgusting when they've become green colour.

These yellow ones are much much cuter...

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