Tuesday, February 07, 2012

爱哭 / Cry Baby


现在只要是感性一点的人或事,我都会要哭…… 哪怕只是一个短片,一个广告,一张照片。看Connie Talbot 六岁的表演,唱得那么动听,我也是眼眶湿润……如果我是演员,现在演哭戏绝对没问题,甚至还有可能哭不停,导演喊cut 了大概还停不了…… 真可惜我不是演员。

我想可能是感情路走得坎坷…… 也可能是因为父亲的病,觉得人生太痛苦…… 以前都快快乐乐,只顾自己玩乐。年纪大一点,看见可怜的人事和动物,会感叹自己帮不上忙,觉得很无奈,觉得人生是残酷的。我们一个人能帮的也就这么多,到处都有不幸,能怎么办?父亲生病,痛苦,我们爱莫能助,连带母亲也快乐不起来。能怎么办..?我和哥哥尽力做了能让他们开心的事,但是无奈于伤感还是会偶尔介入。能做的我和哥哥已经尽量做了,还能怎么办?写到这里又不由自主的掉眼泪了。。。唉。。。

Nowadays, whenever there are people or things that moved me or it's a little sad, I will cry. Be it a short video, a commercial, even a photograph. Watching the 6 years old Connie Talbot sang with her angelic voice, my eyes were wet too. If I were an actress, there will not be any problem whatsoever playing cry scenes, I probably wouldn’t be able to stop even, when the director call it a cut. Too bad I am not an actress.

The older I get, the more sentimental I’ve become. Most people get tougher and less likely to cry as they grow older. But me, I’m just the opposite. When I was younger I was already a person who cries easily, it’s even worse now. I wonder if there’re people like me, the older it gets, the easier it is to shed tears. About 2 or 3 years ago, I was singing karaoke, a melancholy song, suddenly I just couldn’t continue singing, my eyes were wet. There’s not a specific reason for shedding tears, it’s just that the melody is sad. It’s a little peculiar that I just suddenly felt sad and shed tears like that…

Perhaps because of the bumpy rides in love… perhaps because of my dad’s sickness, I feel that life is painful…… I used to only care about myself, only care about what makes me happy. As I grow up, when I see unfortunate things that I can’t help, I’ll feel sad and helpless. I feel life is helpless, life is cruel. We as a person, can only help that much… but unfortunates are everywhere, what do we do? My dad’s sick and he’s suffering, there’s only so much we can help, my mum has grown unhappy too. What do we do? We tried to do things that make them happy. But there are still times that.. sadness comes creeping in. My brother and I have done whatever we could, what else do we do? Here and now, I shed tears again uncontrollably… Sigh…

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