Monday, February 13, 2012

如果我死了 / If I die



我之前喜欢潜水,妈妈总是担心得不得了。我总是跟她说,生死有命。如果有一天我死得比她早,不要难过,死了是一种解脱。妈妈当然不能接受这种说法,总说“choy! Choy! Choy!”。

对死亡害怕吗?我不知道。可是,总有点不舍。如果明天我死了,有遗憾吗?我想… 没有吧。爱过,痛过,苦过,开心过,做过我想做喜欢做的事,人生也不过这样了。

以前每次妈妈问可不可以少点去潜水(目前没潜了),太危险了,我就会说,如果我在做着自己喜欢的事时死了,那是值得高兴的。我总会接着说,如果我死了,把我火葬了,然后把我的骨灰撒进大海吧。(妈妈又说“choy! Choy! Choy!”)

我以前常常会梦见在空中飞,在海里和鲸鱼,海豚等等一起畅游… 真的,没骗你。梦见这些时,我就希望不醒了…… 以前常梦见这些,现在没有了,不知道为什么。




A colleague was admitted in hospital for a few days. We all thought we’d be seeing her back in action very soon. Who knows… we received the shocking news that she has passed away… It was really shocking… so unreal… Life is unpredictable, we should treasure everyday…

I was thinking, would anybody be missing me if I die today? What about me would they be missing me?

I used to love going diving. My mum of course would worried sick every time I go diving. I always told her, “Life is destined.” If I die before her, please don’t be sad. Death is a liberation. She of course would not accept such thinking, she always exclaimed something like “TOUCH WOOD!”.

Am I afraid of death? I don’t know. I guess I can’t bear to leave my family and friends. If I die tomorrow, do I have regrets? I think, probably not. There in my life, was love, was pain, was suffering, was happiness, I did things that I love and wanted to do. I guess that is all what life is about.

Mum used to always ask me, can I go less diving (nowadays I no longer dive)? As it’s dangerous. I would always say, if I die doing the things I love, that is worth celebrating. I’d say, if I die, please cremate me, and scatter my ashes into the sea. (Mum exclaimed “touch wood” again)

I used to always dream of me flying, swimming with whales and dolphins. Really, I am not bluffing. When having such dreams, I hoped I wouldn’t wake up. I used to always have such dreams, but not anymore, I don’t know why. I love most to dream of me flying…

Really, if I die, I hope my ashes would carry my soul, go anywhere I want to go…

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