Monday, February 06, 2012

单身 / Single

每年过年都要重复同样的话(赶快找个男朋友),同样的动作(礼貌的向他们笑一下)。 有男朋友的就被问什么时候要结婚,结了婚的就什么时候要生孩子。听了当然很烦,但有时候想想,大家也只是找些事聊聊。不常见面的亲戚除了这些,还要聊什么? 有时候见到有了男女朋友很久的朋友,我也会不由自主的想问“什么时候结婚啊?”

Every Chinese New Year, the same talks (quickly find a boyfriend), same action (politely nod and smile) are being repeated. If you have a boyfriend, you’ll be asked when are you getting married, if you are married you’ll be asked when are you having a baby. It’s not something that we’d like to hear. But sometimes, I thought, they were just trying to start a conversation. Some relatives don’t meet often, what could we chat about besides these? Sometimes when I see a friend who has got a boyfriend/girlfriend, I tend to want to ask the same question “When are you getting married?” too.

还是单身就还是单身。 单身最可怜的不是还是单身,而是要回答很多没有答案的问题。 为什么还单身? 为什么不找个男朋友?你不知道你父母担心吗?

Being single is just that, single. The worst thing about being a single is not that you are still single, but having to answer questions that have no answers. Why are you still single? Why aren’t you looking for a boyfriend? Don’t you know your parents worried about you?


Do you think there’s an answer to those questions?

找到了你的另一伴, 恭喜你。 可是不是每个人都可以找到另一伴的。

If you’ve found your other half, congratulations. But not everyone will find their other half.

我的生命中,也曾经深爱过,曾经伤痛过,曾经,变成了过去。那一段不能说的痛,那一段几乎崩溃的日子,独自承受的日子。。。我以为,就这样了。。。终于, 有一天,放下了。决定放下后,意外的容易。。。现在回想起,只觉得自己很傻。轰轰烈烈的爱情里,甜蜜的,痛苦的,让它们随时间淡去。那些挥之不去的,把它们都深锁在内心深处,不去触碰。我做得很好,把它们都锁得很好。

In my life, I had been deeply in love, I had been deeply hurt, it’s all history now. The unspeakable pain, the days I almost fell apart, the days I suffered and cried alone.. I thought, that was it, that was my life… Eventually, one day, I let it go. It was surprisingly easy once I decided to let it go. I feel silly remembering the time. The sweet memories, the painful memories, will fade away as time goes by. Those that persist, I will lock them deep in my heart, and keep it away. I’ve done a very good job, I’ve locked them well away.

庆幸着,没有眷恋。 也庆幸,那些痛,终于过去了。 我的心已经有了裂痕。 我把它补得很好,可是疤痕还是在的。我并不会拒绝感情的来临,但是要去主动寻找,实在不容易,也没什么剩余的力气去做了。 要重新认识一个人,是很累的。一段感情,总会吵架的,那也是很累的。

I feel fortunate, that I didn’t look back. And I feel fortunate that those pains are now in the past. There’s a crack in my heart, I’ve mended it well, but a scar is inevitable. If there comes love, I will not close the door to my heart. But if you’re asking me to actively go look for love, that’s something not easy for me to do now. I have not left with much strength to do so. It’s tiring, getting to know a complete stranger. There will certainly be fights in any relationship, and it’s tiring as well.

有谁是真真正正选择单身?那些说是的,大概只是在欺骗自己。 谁不想有一个人陪着? 单身不是我的选择,但是没有另一伴,不代表就不能好好的活, 不代表就不能活得很充实,不代表就不能活得很快乐。快乐是自己找的,自己给的。快乐也不是只能从男女朋友身上找来的。

Is there anybody voluntarily choose to be single? If someone say yes, he/she is probably lying to himself/herself. Who wouldn’t want to have someone to spend your life with? Being single is not my choice, but not having the other half, doesn’t mean I can’t live well, doesn’t mean I can’t live life to the fullest, doesn’t mean I can’t be happy. Happiness is something you have to find it yourself, something you give it to yourself. And happiness doesn't only come from a boyfriend/girlfriend.


I know I am not young anymore, but I don’t have a boyfriend means I don’t have a boyfriend, don’t tell me I have to choose a husband from a group of men by throwing an embroidered ball to them, like in the ancient time? I don’t want to force myself to join social events, I know it’s nothing and common but I just don’t like it. If I am anxious and worry that I’ll be lonely for the rest of my life, I will do so. But I feel that it’s not such a bad thing being the way I am now. Why can’t people just respect my life and stop nagging?

人生不能少的,是亲情和友情。 没有爱情,还是可以活得很好,很开心的。

The things that one can’t live without in life, are love from your family and friendship. One will be able to live well and happy, even when not having love from the opposite sex.

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