Thursday, February 09, 2012

Ex-offender and key chain / 前罪犯与锁匙圈

Was out with Sh yesterday. While we’re having coffee, a man approached us, showing us the document that allegedly proves he’s an ex-offender and trying to earn a living by selling key chains, and asked us to help support him by buying the key chains. This is the second time we’re having coffee and being approached. I think Sh and I have kind faces … :p

I digressed. I am not sure whether what the guy said is true. I tend to believe him.

The key chains are selling at S$10 a pair. It’s not very expensive but not exactly cheap either. We didn’t buy it. It’s not that I don’t want to help ex-offenders, I think we should help them. But the thing is, I have no use whatsoever of the key chain. Key chains are aplenty at most people’s homes, I believe. And as I said, S$10 is not exactly cheap. I can do a lot of things with S$10, it’s enough for my one day’s meals. It’s not reasonable to expect people who are not loaded, like me, would buy those key chains for S$10… I sincerely hope I can help the ex-offenders but to me, S$10 is not a small amount. Sometimes I have only $20-$30 in my wallet.. Furthermore I have no use of key chains. I think they really should look into the products they are selling. Say for example, mug cover, chopsticks, etc, these are small enough for them to carry around and it’s something that we can use. Then I think I will buy it from them. Key chains… I am really sorry…

It’s not easy to say no to them, you know…… But I have to think of my pocket as well… Unless I earn a lot…but I don’t. The first one Sh and I encountered, was a very polite gentleman. Even when we kept rejecting him he was still very polite. He even said to us “You two are very beautiful ladies. You have a good day.” before he left…. The second one yesterday, gave us an angry face when I said no to him. Well, not exactly angry I guess, more of frustration maybe. I know it’s really not easy for them to sell those things on the streets… but I really think they should seriously look into what products they sell...

昨天和Sh出去。在喝咖啡的时候,有个男人拿着证件说他是前罪犯,现在靠买锁匙圈为生,让我们帮帮忙,跟他买一个。这是第二次我和Sh喝咖啡的时候遇到这样的事。大概我和Sh有张善良 的脸... :p


那些锁匙圈,一对卖 S$10. 不是很贵但也不算便宜。我们没买。不是我不愿意帮忙这些前罪犯,我认为我们是应该帮忙的。可是,锁匙圈对我实在没有用。每个人家里大概锁匙圈都太多了。再说,S$10 实在不能说是便宜。S$10 我可以做许多事了,S$10 我可以吃三餐呢。。。要像我这样不是很富裕的人花S$10 买对锁匙圈,不成道理。。。我是真心想帮他们,但是真的,S$10 对我来说并不小...有时钱包里只有 S$20-30…. 再说,锁匙圈对我真的是没用。我觉得他们应该探讨他们售卖的产品。比如说,杯盖,筷子什么的,够小,容易带在身上售卖, 而且是实用的东西。如果是这些,我会买的。锁匙圈...实在对不起...

要向他们说不,不是一件容易的事......可我也得考虑我的口袋…. 除非我赚得很多,可是我并不。 Sh 和我遇见的第一个售卖锁匙圈的前罪犯,是一个很有礼貌的人。我们一直拒绝购买他还是很有礼貌。走之前还对我们说,“你们两个很漂亮。祝你们愉快。”…. 昨天的那个,在我们拒绝后,扳了副生气的脸,掉头就走。 可能不是生气而是倍感受挫吧。我知道他们卖这些非常困难。。但是我希望他们真的可以彻底去探讨应该买些什么比较好...

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