Sunday, June 03, 2007


Expectation, what is, expectation?

Everybody knows, expectation, something you think you will or should achieve, something you think will or should happen, something you think will or should belong to you in the end, etc...

With expectation, comes along disappointment. Because not everything we want will happen, not everything we expect will turn out true.

If you don't have expectations, you won't have disappointments. So why does everybody still have expectations? Strange. I, for one, cannot escape from this phenomenon.

I guess, if what you expect does happen or turn out true, the exhilaration is beyond what without expectations. It proves that you are right, you are correct, etc. But the disappointment is not something I fancy. It feels horrible...

Knowing with expectations come disappointments, I told myself not to have anymore expectations. However, with that said, I doubt I can ever master this "no expectation" kind of living. Humans are humans. Humans are stupid in some ways. Like how moths fly into fire.

I tell myself everyday, do not have expectations. Even with realistic expectations you'll still get disappointments. Yet, I'm still a fool.

Yes, I am a fool.

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