Monday, August 08, 2005

Professor Lupin

Visited a website last week, where Harry Potter's fans can put up questions for others to answer. There was a question about who's your favourite and least favourite character and who would you have a crush for.

My answer was, I like all Harry, Ron and Hermione, and Dumbledore AND not forgetting, Dobby the house-elf! Well, actually I also like Sirius and Professor Lupin. My least favourite character was, undoubtedly, that Umbridge woman. And I wrote, I would love to have a date with Lupin.

And guess what? Yesterday, I dreamt that I was lying in Professor Lupin's arms! Wohoa!!....... Sweet dream, sweet dream, indeed. Hahahahahah... made me really happy. I was having a bad night sleep actually, couldn't sleep till about 3am... But this dream, this dream saved it all! Ha!

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