Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What day is it?

Some days I love everybody, some days I hate the whole world. My mood should be categorized into “hate-the-world-day” and “everybody-is-lovely-day”.

Yesterday night was a hate-the-world-day. It felt like everyone in this world has offended me one way or another. In fact, this is my most common mood in recent years.

The only way to be happy, the “happy-proof” method, is to be ignorant. Empty our mind. Think nothing. I guess that’s what monks or Reverends do most of the time apart from studying Buddhism.

Speaking about that, if I stay in a temple all the time like the monks, it’ll be easy to tell people, “empty our mind”, “be happy”, “control your temper”, “be nice to people”, etc etc… Because I doubt you will meet nasty people in the temple. SO if everybody is nice to everybody, there’s no need to be hostile.

Try to be nice on the road where so many reckless drivers exist, try to be nice on the train where there are so many annoying people blocking the exit, try to be nice where there are so many people who cannot spell “queue”, try to be nice when people are simply rude beyond reasons, blahblahblah, I just can’t be nice… “#$*&#(*$&^&%#” will be coming out of my mouth before you realized it, especially on a hate-the-world-day.

What day is it today?

It is hate-the-world-day so far.

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