Friday, August 12, 2005

Magnificent Trees

Took some photos while I was on the bus (in Singapore).

They are just so weird, criss-crossing its own branches here and there. If they can grow fast enough, their own branches might go right through each other… These photos here are not exactly the strange ones with weird branches criss-crossing each other.
I was on the bus, even if my digital camera is fast enough, the window (due to some angles) might cast reflection on the photo. These photos were taken when the bus stopped.

I think they are called “rain-tree”? Someone told me. And he also told me it was Mr Lee Kuan Yeow who decided to import these trees from, Africa I suppose?

A wise decision, I would say. They are really beautiful, majestic. Well.. perhaps majestic in a “slim” way…

THIS, in my opinion, is the REAL majestic ones, the baobab tree.

Truly magnificent, aren’t they?

They are also known as the upside-down trees.

For a moment there, I thought the 2 people there were statues……

One day, I hope, I will get to see the real baobab trees and not just the pictures.

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