Sunday, September 10, 2006

Little bastard / 小王八

I was at mrt station on Friday, as usual, scanned my Easylink card to pass the gate. Then, a teenager followed closely behind and stepped on my sandal. He didn't even say sorry! And that's a small matter, the bigger issue was, he cheated. He didn't have his Easylink card scanned, means he didn't pay. What a little bastard! Now he's a 小王八, 长大之后就会变成大王八 (he'll grow out to be a big bastard!)

I strongly believe he did this always and not because he couldn't afford the fare. He had a friend who's already passed the gate and waiting for him. I wasn't walking very fast and he almost couldn't pass through and therefore stepped onto my sandal. And he said to his friend "lucky..".

Take note if you see anybody waiting near the gate the next time you're going to take the train. Perhaps you'll encounter the same. It is not uncommon.

Such little bastards. A disgrace to the society.

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