Sunday, September 17, 2006


I've been tagged by Banana Booze for 7 favourite songs.

That, reminds me of just how old I am... Because none of my favourite songs are current... AND some of them are a bit.. eccentric, perhaps, in some people's eyes. For instance, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Kokomo"... But of course, it doesn't matter what people think, for I don't care. Anyway, my favourite 7 :

1. Kokomo - Beach Boys
2. The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Beach Boys
3. I Can See Clearly now The Rain Is Gone - Johnny Nash
4. I don't Want To Live Without Your Love - Chicago
5. It's A Wonderful Life - Black
6. Hands To Heaven - Breathe
7. Eternal Flame - The Bangles

As you can see, they are OLD. But they are absolutely my all time favourite which never fail to put a smile on my face whenever I hear them. The first 3 songs, are very "Caribbean". It makes me happy, rrreally happy when I hear such music.

Then I'm supposed to tag 7 people to do the same thing? but that's a tough one... I don't know that many people who has a blog and who reads my blog............... all I've got is :

1. Chee Khun's 心晴加游站
2. Whimsical Utterance
3. Souplad
4. ....

7. ...

The above, of which, 2 and 3 had been tagged before.. so no point there to tag them again. and... I guess that's it. Hohohoho.. pathetic.

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