Friday, September 29, 2006

Safe journey, bro

My brother is going on a journey, I bought him many birds with my heart for a safe and fun journey.

I actually feel lonely even days before his departure. When I go travel, I don't have any worries about my trip, about what's going to happen, etc etc. And I think it's nonsense for my mum to worry that much. However, as I grow older, I worry more. I worried for my bro's safety. And it's kind of difficult to take. Now I know how a mum would feels when her children are away... Therefore I think we all should call home more often when we're having a holiday.

I tend to forget about everything back at home once I'm on a holiday... Not only that I tend to forget about my worries and troubles in the city, I'd forget, basically, everything else, including my family. That's really bad. I mean, I do call home, but I don't think about family that much. I even forgot everything about my pet when I went Tioman for one week. But this year, when I was at Sipadan, I did worry about my Miko a lot. Cos she was obviously very upset when we were transferring her. And that time, she did not get to stay in her own cage but has to be transferred to the caretaker's glass enclosure. Sadly, it's going to happen again, perhaps, at least once a year. Cos I'll be going for diving again and I'll have to leave her with the caretaker. It breaks my heart seeing her in distress... And I'd feel REALLY, SERIOUSLY guilty... Geez, I am feeling EXTREMELY bad now even just to think about the next time I'm gonna have to leave her for 10days...

What to do... if only I am living with a family member and my Miko will be well taken care of... But too bad, that is not the case.

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