Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Funny kitty

Look at this funny kitty.......

I can see her almost every morning at the same place. Most of the time she will spread her legs and sunbathing like this. She just look sooooooo comfortable in that posture, soooo relaxing. Sometimes she'll lay against the wall like this, sometimes she'll sit on one particular taxi. It's always that taxi. One day I saw the taxi driver gave her cat food. So no wonder. I wake up later and later each day to work... so nowadays by the time I was around that place, the taxi driver uncle already out to work. So I couldn't catch her laying on his cab but most of the time is on the floor.

This kitty has a disproportionate head compare to her tummy... Her head is small but her body is fat. It just look so funny lah I tell you.

I wanted to take a closer photo but she was alarmed by me and wanted to move away. I thought that was very bad of me to disturb her so I moved away quickly and she continued to sunbath.

When I came back from work, I can see her sitting in the middle of the road (HDB open carpark). Cats always like that. It's so funny.

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