Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Caterpillar infestation!

You'll never guess what happened this morning~! I was out "hunting" for caterpillars!

They've been quite abundance since some time back, even crawl into our living room! My mum hates all these creepy crawlies. This morning there were a lot of them on the outside wall! I think she had killed at least 10 of them. One even got into our toilet!! They are one fast crawling caterpillar I tell you. The fastest I've seen!

But they look kind of pretty to me, as long as I don't touch it...

This one here was hanging on its life. It's been busted by my brother. Its "organs?" had came out but it was still moving. I think those organs got stuck to the floor so it couldn't move. Else it was still capable of moving, I'm sure.

My mum was complaining a lot, she rreally really hates all these especially caterpillars and earthworms. So I went outside to see if I can find where they come from. My house is a corner house in the middle of a road. Between the 2 corner houses there's a pathway and 2 "longkang" (drains) alongside. And grass growing beside the longkang. And not long later, I went "Wah!", "Wah!", "Wah! Wah! WAH!" non-stop. They were EVERYWHERE! This one here even got eggs! But... on a closer look, I suspect those black stuff could be caterpillar poo instead of eggs...

See in this photo there're 3!! I dare not kill them. It's disgusting to squash them. Asked my bro to spray insecticide... I wonder they grow into butterflies or moths? If not my mum and bro will make A LOT of noise, I think I will keep one in a bottle to see what it'll turn into..
In the end I think I must have found at least 40 caterpillars..!! Including those my mum killed then it's more than 50!! Geez....

In the midst of looking for caterpillars, I saw this~! A victim of spider I guess? But the spider was not at home.

And I spent quite some time "among the grass".. and took some photos. I had always love this tiny flower since I was little. They have this little flower which does not look like the usual flowers where they have petals around the center. If you look carefully, they really do have an interesting look.

These are tiny tiny grass flowers as well. I feel they are adorable.

While hunting the caterpillar my brother saw a lady bird~! It's quite big and walking quite fast.

Back in my house compound. Do flies eat flower pollen??? I thought they only fond of faeces...

This is a small flower as well.

It's really fun to spend a little time looking at the grass patches, looking for creatures. We city people hardly do that anymore. I should do it more often :D

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