Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What's the point?

Do you realize? It is a very hostile world that we’re living. What’s the use of being nice to people?? I’ve always stick to my principle of being polite, being well-mannered to everyone even when I am a customer who is not receiving a proper service. But what do we get in return? “bbbbleah……pui! kind of attitude”, being yelled at, being spoken to like we are not worth the saliva to deal with. So what’s the point of treating people nicely??

Uncivilized people will always be uncivilized people. No matter how polite and how nice you talk to them. However nicely you chose your tone to talk to someone like that, they will still give you an answer in a tone which stabs into you like an invisible dagger.

I’ve learnt. It’s of no use treating people nice. You’ll only hurt yourself by doing so. Well, maybe not EVERYONE but most of them are not worth to treat them nice.

And you can’t ALWAYS oblige to someone’s request of favour. You helped this person 100 times, the ONE time you can’t help, this person will curse and swear at you behind your back. What the fuck is wrong with the people in this world?? Are we BORN to SERVICE him or her? I’ve seen this for so many times. So unfair and unreasonable. Such a disappointing world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I’ve learnt. It’s of no use treating people nice. You’ll only hurt yourself by doing so. Well, maybe not EVERYONE but most of them are not worth to treat them nice."

I do understand your frustration. I also sympathize with your level of disgust. That said, dont change. Stay the polite person that you are. When I first talked to you, I thought to myself,"wow, this woman doesnt know me at all but she is being extrememly kind to me for no reason, how wonderful!"

I also try my best to be polite to people. Everyone I meet I give the benefit of treating them as if they were an elder in my own family. Until a person gives me a reason to not respect them I treat them with as much respect as I can. I also act polite to everyone I meet whether it is at a store or even the man who pumps gas for me. I feel that everyone should be polite. This day in age there isnt enough people who are polite. I think if I am polite to just one person, maybe that person will notice and attempt to add some level of politeness to there interaction with other people. Please dont be disuaded by people who have no happiness in their lives. Thats not your fault that they are bitter. Its their fault and its their loss.

Keep the faith.