Sunday, December 27, 2009

Girls' new hairstyles~

Angel and I had our hair permed today~ I was just getting it permed of about the same style as last year. Only that it's a whole head perm. But it doesn't really look much difference with the perm last year.

Angel's new hairstyle doesn't come easy, it came only after a 7hours sitting at the salon's chair. hahaha.....She had her hair permed and coloured. Her hair is really black and thick so it took much longer to perm and colour. When I have my hairdo all done she was just about to have it wash off the first chemical (before the curling)!! Really "broke record"... 7hours... Mine was done in 3.5hours... Double the time! hahaha.. but I didn't colour my hair. However, the wait was worth it. Her new hairstyle is quite nice! More mature (that's what we two wanted) and feminine.
I bought french fries for both of us after my hairdo was done at about 4pm. I like my stylist so much I even bought puffs for him and his colleagues. :p

We were famished when her hair was finally done. We went Yew's Cafe for dinner.

My dinner, escargot spaghetti. It was pretty good~
That's all for now, folks!

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