Saturday, June 24, 2006

Seafood restaurant

Sometimes I feel hate going to seafood restaurants, because you'll see fish in tanks which you hope you'll never see them there.

I give you, the endangered, Napoleon Wrasse (Humphead Wrasse) :

Napoleon Wrasse is one of my favourite fish, NOT to EAT of cos, but my favourite fish I'd love to see in the sea. These are mostly only juveniles. They can grow up to 2.3m. There were quite a lot there... The one on top (picture below) is the biggest there. So sad..

I've never seen more Napoleon in the sea than IN THE RESTAURANT. Well, that's for certain, I guess. But still... it's sad. I've only saw Napoleons 2 or 3 times the most since I first started diving. Often just a quick glance and it's gone. I hope it will swim as fast, if not faster when a human hunter approaches it.
It's just so sad... seeing Napoleons every time I go seafood restaurants. And look at this picture below... such a pathetic state...

It's an eel. Do people eat this? I am guessing it's being rear there for fun? Very pitiful... It's got no where to hide except one pathetic pvc tube.... I want to cry looking at this eel... 好可怜啊...

And I must say something about this restaurant, the Grand Straits Garden Restaurant (新湖宾). The old lady captain who served us sucked big time! So fuckingly rude. We were looking at the menu, there're lemon chicken and crispy chicken. As all of us know, lemon chicken is of course serve with lemon gravy but it is also fried chicken or crispy chicken, anyway you want to call it. So I asked what's the other difference between these two chicken, and she answered something like, "Crispy chicken is crispy loh, lemon chicken is with lemon loh."
One word, RUDE! In the end she said crispy chicken is 烧鸡(roast chicken). 烧鸡 is very different with crispy chicken of the lemon chicken what? This is the difference I wanted to know. What "crispy chicken is crispy, lemon chicken is with lemon"... I don't think I would even think of patronizing there again. I think she's really not up to the job. Fucking attitude. Well, I guess that's the kind of face you'll expect to see if you don't order big big fish or big big prawns or big big crabs, etc.

1 comment:

SoupLad said...

well i have similar experience in Olio Dome (now Balaclava in Suntec). My date was pretty interested to try a slice of carror cake (we know that it is NOT the Chai Tow Kuay).

We were curious and ask the waitress what's inside and how is it make. She replied "Carrot cake? Inside Carrot lor."


My date and I wouldn't want to step in Olio dome anymore.