Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Great Wall of China

Know the recent fuss about the new 7 wonders of the world? China's Great Wall of China has been voted one of them.

Did you notice how people, even tv broadcaster always say "the only structure that's visible from the space"? Actually it is not true. It cannot be true. Yes the GWoC is very long (and magnificent and spectacular blahblahblah) but the structure is too narrow to be seen from space. Read it here at Wikipedia. Yes I know Wiki is not always right. But logically speaking, the GWoC really is not wide enough to be visible from space.

So why is everybody saying the opposite? Puzzles me.

And people from China when being interviewed always give the standard answer "Yes we are very proud of GWoC. We are very proud as a China people." Blah blah blah. I never really agree with such sentiment. I may be a bit on the radical side, I know. What I feel is, everybody can be proud of the GWoC or any other significant structures, buildings as a human being on earth, NOT just the citizens of the country. Cos we are all the same. You and I are all humans. HUMANS built it. Europeans, Indians, Chinese, etc etc, are all humans. We are not much different from each other.

Like wise, I always ponder, what is nationalism? So what you are British and I am Fijian or whatever? We just happened to be born on that particular piece of land. You and I are not much different. What I am trying to say is, we should have "earthism" rather than nationalism. We are all born on earth. We should love our earth and protect it like how people love their nation. But we're not. Humans are virus of the earth. Ironic.

p.s. Why do people feel proud of GWoC when so many people died building it? hmm...

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