Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter 5th movie

Watched Harry Potter The Order of the Phoenix yesterday. In my opinion, it portrait fairly accurate as the book. I liked it. But it’s a sad episode of Harry Potter, just like in the book…

One might think I was being really stupid… but I still remember I got really depressed reading Harry Potter The Order of the Phoenix. I got so involved in the story. I hate it when Sirius died. I felt Harry Potter’s pain, as if it’s real. It’s just a story, yes. But I can’t help it. Every chapter creates reverberating effects on my mind and heart. I’ve never liked a fiction story this much. Really. Seriously.

Thus, I don’t understand why there are so many detractors of J.K.Rowling. Jealousy? But some of them are authors of many best selling books themselves. I’m not sure how good or bad Harry Potter books are from the literature point of view and I am not qualified to say so either. However, it got me reading, it got me refusing to put the books down. Isn’t it good enough? They said it instills the believe of witchcraft among children… well, like witchcraft is a real thing… They’ll soon know it isn’t. If this is the excuse, shouldn’t we tell all our children that Santa Claus does not exist as soon as they came to read about him?

Some say her imagination was lousy, mediocre. Well, I don’t see them producing a more imaginative, more reader-attractive, and better sales volume books?

IT IS a phenomenon. Really. The sales of Harry Potter books. Nobody can beat that (for now). You gotta admit there is something special about the book. People young and old liked the story very much. I don’t’ think there has been any book that scores a better pre-selling quantity than Harry Potter. Even Giants, yes the hypermarket Giants, has joined the bandwagon.

I hope to live in a fantasy world. Not because Harry Potter has “polluted” my mind as the detractors might put it on people like me. I hope to live in a fantasy world since I was little. I guess that’s many people’s wish. To escape from this cruel reality. But of cos, EVERYBODY knows it’s not going to happen. Fantasy remains fantasy. Life goes on…

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