Friday, August 15, 2008

Hard to laugh

I find it hard to laugh from the heart nowadays. People in the city are so fake.

I don't know. I just feel down.

Also also maybe because friends are drifting further apart as we grow older. So, hardly anyone's there to laugh with you...

Actually there's no subject in this post. I am just suddenly attacked by "down virus". Just want to grumble.

Find it no meaning to live like this. People always say must find a purpose in life. Purpose? Money. No money, there's only this much you can do, whether to help others or help yourself.

I wish I was born on secluded island. But of course, if I really was born on a secluded island, I would probably be dying to leave there and head for the city. It's all just nonsense talking.

When people talk to me (not close friends), sometimes I find that I have to "prolong" and fake my laugh a little bit. Else it'll look rude and cold. But I hate that. But we have no choice. This is just the way it is.

I really don't like human life.

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