Friday, November 14, 2008

One day, comes a doggie

We're moving tomorrow. The night before yesterday, a doggie was resting in front of my house, under a big plant. She looked clean and I thought she's someone's pet and she'd probably return home the next day.

That night, it rained. The doggie was still under that big plant in the morning. So poor thing. So I brought it inside my house and wipe her dry a bit and gave her some food. She looked 笨苯... At first I named her Bella, since recently I read the Twilight novel and the main character's name "Bella" immediately came to my mind. Then because she's a bit 笨苯, I just call her 笨苯 instead. hahaa... She found herself a corner amongst the things we want to move and sleep there. She slept so soundly, poor baby. Must be tough for her to endure a night under a plant in the rain.

My brother and I went supermarket and I pestered my bro to buy her a packet of dog food. WHen we returned home I couldn't see her. I thought she had gone back home.

The next day, we moved the newspapers that we wanted to sell and we discovered her under that cabinet. hahahaha.... I fed her the food we bought yesterday and she looked more cheery and healthy. but stil a bit 笨苯 hahahaahaa...

I don't know if my parents would let us keep the dog. But I've put in my love onto the doggie.. will be very sad just let her go back to the streets...

Just when we're about to move, comes a doggie, must be fate!!

Tomorrow we're moving! Busy day!!

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