Thursday, August 20, 2009

PC Fair Aug 09

Got so many things from PC Fair JB last Sat~~ so happy. Got lots of cheap and pretty and cute USB fan. I bought 2 USB lights (to use in SG room, too dark to read), bought a portable hardisk. My bro bought a printer.
And we were sort of "forced" into signing up for credit cards. We didn't have to pay for anything of course. Everytime we go there for any exhibition or whatever we will sort of be forced to sign up credit cards. The guy asked if I have a bank account, I said no, not in JB. I don't have savings, so... no money to put in bank. He asked me to do him a favour and open an account in the bank with only RM25, for the credit card approval or something. I said ok. But I heck care once I got my free gifts. wahahaha.. bcos I didn't ask to be given the credit card.

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