Sunday, February 18, 2007


Did you happen to watch Ch 8's CNY eve show? There was this woman (I think she used to be a singer), she performed China's 变脸绝技. But I think China's 变脸师傅shouldn't just anyhow teach people this skill. I don't know if this woman on the show yesterday learnt from China. Cos previously it was known that they do not anyhow impart the skill and they impart only to men.

Anyway, I only watched the repeated show this afternoon, and I burst into laughter while watching it. First of all, if I'm not wrong, real 变脸's mask is a very thin mask, and stick quite close to the face like it's being painted on the face. The woman's masks however, were those hard, normal mask we normally see. And I suspect that she could not really see well when wearing those mask, which was not the case in real 变脸 show. It looked to me that she needed the dancers' help in order to change the mask. At one point, her hand was seeking in the air for the dancer's shoulder who was kneeling in front of her. Then when she found the dancer's shoulder, her hand went along the arm until she touch the hand. Then she "struggle" to change the mask. It looked like she had to touch the dancer in order to change her mask.

The way she changed the mask... was not very "clear cut". She had to like er... "geng1 sai4"... ahhahahahahha. to "geng" and change mask. The music and the mask change was not in the same frequency... She often had to turn around for a long time, after that she struggled to change mask. It really seemed to me she was struggling. China's 变脸师傅 never turned his face to the back for soooooo... long.

Then came the funniest part, a mask, was stuck there around her chin after she changed mask!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... can you believe it? You can see the mask CLEARLY. I don't know if anybody who watched it notice. It was soooooo funny.... And she had to turn around, and she had to use her hand to push or tug it back.

My God.... it's really a disgrace for this 变脸skill...... If I could speak to her, I would tell her please don't perform in public again until she has really mastered the skill....... What a disgrace...

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