Friday, February 23, 2007

Holiday is nearly over

Friday, the 7th day holiday for CNY. 2 more days to go and I'd start heading back working like a normal person does again. I hate working. Everybody hates working. I love shopping, but I have to control. Cos I ain't loaded. And I ain't got a rich boyfriend or husband who can sup a $10,000 limit credit card to me.

Still, today, went out with YK for a little shopping. Spent over RM300 on Shu Uemura products... if I've said it once I've said it a million times, shopping and spending money is more addictive than drugs, I'm telling you. Once you start spending money, you'd feel so good, like you're in heaven, and you'd want to spend again. But it feels like you're out of drugs when you see your credit card bills....

The life of a tai-tai... I can only imagine. If I'm a tai-tai, I'd probably learn piano on Monday, facial on Tuesday, shopping on Wednesday, learn violin on Thursday, shopping again on Friday, lim teh with friends on Saturday, or maybe walk the dogs, and accompany husband on Sunday. Wahahahaha.. PPPERFECT! ....... I dream too much.

Anyway, yesterday night I had a horrible dream. I dream that all of a sudden, I discovered that I've got a new tattoo on the back of my shoulder, the same place around my first one. My new tattoo, a dolphin with a Santa Claus and an elf or deer or smthg.......... weird... ridiculous.... Guess I hope there's a Santa Claus to fulfill my wants.. And the horrible part was, I realised my first tattoo of a dolphin breaching out of water had been lasered off!!!!!!!!! aaaahhhhhhhhh............. it was so ugly as there're scars visible. And this is my precious tattoo, how could I have lasered off??? I was sooooo heartpain, the dream was sooooo real....... damn scary..... I don't like this dream.

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