Saturday, November 19, 2005


Mr Turtle pleasantly made the introduction to Nemo's father, Marlin, "Jellyman, Offspring. Offspring, Jellyman."

Fortunately, we homo sapiens are not as fertile as the turtles. Mr Turtle has so many children that he simply named them all "Offspring". hahahahaha... If we are as fertile as the turtles, the Earth would be long over populated. Well, the Earth IS already over populated if you ask me.

Traditional Chinese thinking, is that we must have kids. And everyone hopes for at least one baby boy, as to "传宗接代". What's up with this 传宗接代 anyway? So what if the world has another baby who carries a particular surname? Be it, Chan, Ng, Lee, Kwek, whatever... It won't cause the Earth to become a better place, won't cause the Earth to become larger so it can accomodate more human beings BUT an additional mouth to consume the already limited food and water on Earth.

So why are we having more babies? I don't know. But people are getting old, aging of population is a problem...HOWEVER, I don't think people want to have babies is because of "aging of population", gotta have more babies to support the old people in future... It's just simply for 传宗接代. BUT I still don't understand what's so important about that.

We have infinite people in every corner of the world doing this generally deemed "noble procreation job". I seriously think, that we should give other species a chance to procreate more than what they are now. Species other than human beings are mostly at the brink of extinction. So why are we having more and more babies than what the Earth could eventually tolerate? and driving more and more species into extinction?

We are suffocating the Earth, we really are. That's why, at this moment, I think I should not have kids when I'm married.

That is some noble excuse for not wanting babies, huh? hahahaha...

Actually, I had countless dreams of me being pregnant and giving birth, ever since I was 16 years old. I was always very happy when I had those dreams, it felt so real. However, 12 years had passed. I have long became a "procreation-capable-female-homo sapien" and I don't wish to have babies now. I don't deny the possibility of me wanting babies when I have found that special someone. Who knows? But I just don't see what's so important about having babies. I just don't.

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