Friday, November 18, 2005

Muscular arms

One day morning, I suddenly realised something.

I have a thing for muscular arms (of men, of course). Muscular arms are just ssssoooo sexy, and it turns me on right away. Just like Issa of Da Pump. There's no picture of his sexy arms here but anyway, he's sexy.

Issa wore a sleeveless shirt and sang the very nice "IF" in one of their concerts. He looked absolutely gorgeous, so simple, yet so attractive. Though at times, his long and muscular arms made him looked like an ape... ahhahahahah... and then I wondered, why do I fancy a guy whose arms look like apes'?

Then, I suddenly understand why. Simple! Because, I like apes~~! Ha! As simple as that. Basically I like all primates/apes/monkeys... So that's why. hahahahahaha....

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