Wednesday, November 30, 2005

No, it's not like that.

There are some people in our society, who would just deny every other person’s opinion. Whatever opinion you express, he would go, “No, it’s not like that.”, “I’ve done that, so I know.”, “My friend who’s done that he knows.”, “No, my friend said is not like that.”… blah blah blah…

I once saw my mum talking to another auntie. My mum expressed her opinion, that auntie went, “No no no… I tell you, it’s not like that…” blah blah blah… BUT what she said, was EXACTLY the same with my mum’s. She just never bothers to listen to what people are saying, because she thinks she doesn’t have to listen, why? Because she will always be the one who’s right. Because only the things she said are right.

Every one of us surely, will not think our own opinion is wrong. That’s totally normal. The thing is, a lot of issues in this world are NOT simply EITHER black OR white, right OR wrong. There will always be arguable points. There’s no need to constantly deny other people’s opinion and say, “No, it’s not like that.” or “I’ve done it I know better.”

Besides, do you have to really “done it” to know everything? NO. You may have done something yet you still do not understand the theory behind it. You may have experienced something yet you do not grasp the whole picture of it.

Someone I know always start a conversation with a “NO” then blah blah blah non-stop about what he thinks, what he’s gone through, what his friends have gone through. It’s like in the whole world, ONLY he and his friends have gone through everything, only they know everything. It’s totally annoying… a typical Mr-Know-It-All.

For example:

Him : ****(a kind of supplement) is very good for us you know. My friend told me.

Me : Yeah, I know. Everybody knows that.

Him : No, my friend who works in medical field told me. They know very well. It’s very good for your digestion you know.

Me : Yes, I know. Everybody knows that. That’s a common knowledge.

Him : My friend, he works in medical field, he said ***blahblahblah*** ………And he kept on going about what his friend who works in medical field told him.

In fact, what we were talking about is an extremely common supplement where everyone knows about its benefits. And he had to emphasize on his “friend who works in medical field” told him. How ignorant is that? I don’t think we have to have a “friend who works in medical field” to know such simple fact… Tak boleh tahan... unbearably ignorant...

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