Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It doesn't work on me...

I had wore the orthocare hard lense for 6 nights. It's suppose to reduce my nearsightedness drastically by now, but it didn't.

It's so upsetting, so disappointing.

People with perfect eyesight are so blessed. And I'm so envious. I can't wear normal soft lense either because the shape of my eyeballs are different with the majority of people. So normal disposable lense won't fit. That's so sad, you know. People like my friend Natasha had been wearing it for years and years and there had been no problem whatsoever. You will ask what makes me say that soft lenses don't fit on my eyes? Well, every time I blink, the lense moves up following the eyelid and slides down. Now imagine that. The lense moves, mean only one thing : blur. So every time I blink, my vision goes blur, until the lense slides down to where it's supposed to be.. by then, I need to blink again already... so blur blur blur and blur.

Sigh..will try for one more week. If it's still not working for me.. then I'm back to square one and back to my spec. And perhaps consider Lasik in future.... No money no talk. Let me strike Toto this Friday and I'll go for it immediately. hahahahaha~~~

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