Sunday, February 19, 2006

JB Chingay 18/02/06 (3)

We finished watching the chingay at one spot and went to another, where Johor Sultan was watching. We were so lucky, just when our car reached there, a police car was already there and began to stop the traffic so that the chingay can continue here.

Er.. this is not real, it's not real person under the lion.

踩高跷. We only saw one group of these. KR said it used to be more than just one group.

Johor Sultan wanted to see the parade this year. Because Sultan was here, the emcee kept urging the performing groups to go faster because there were still many festooned lorries have yet to come. By faster, I mean, he gave the performing groups like, 5 to 10 seconds to finished their performance.... That's quite unreasonable...

CK took some of these photos. I was wondering where the heck was the emcee. And CK took his photo together with reporters.

This looked like something has exploded... The light came from 3 very very big spotlights...

大头娃娃ready to charge...Sometimes they will compete with one another to see who runs faster... without seeing where they are heading, mind you...

Everyone was looking on the floor... we wondered what the heck were they looking...
I couldn't believe we were there for more than 2 hours. My legs were aching because I kept standing on tip toe.. hahaha...

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