Saturday, March 11, 2006

Diving trip Mar'06 - Sipadan (2)

First time I saw garden eels.

White tip shark.

I was on another boat, separated from my best buddy... so sad...

We saw hundreds of dolphins~~!!!!! Fantastic~~~!!!!! It was the first day, I didn't take my camera as I was experiencing vertigo underwater during the 1st dive. So I didn't take any photos of them. This photo is from Gabriel's camera. It was difficult to take photos as it's difficult to see the LCD screen (in the camera housing) under the sun. Everyone just anyhow snap and snap and snap. This is lucky photo.
The pod was sooo... big, covered a big area of the sea when we saw them. Our boats came so close to them, we can almost touch them~!! They should be spinner dolphins. There were lots of mother and calves. It was soooooo.. cute....... Amazing~!

Divemasters diving into the sea. The female divemaster kept dive face down to the sea... ouch...

A frog fish.

Lots of hermit crabs here.

Very beautiful juvenile batfish.

Funny looking sponge crab...


Baby squid... very cute~~!! This is the only decent photo I managed to take.
Early morning at 6+am. We had to go out diving at 7:15am.

Gabriel with crocodile fish.

Me with crocodile fish.

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