Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Chin matters

I am so attached to my Miko. I think about her a lot even when at work. She's ADORABLE. She's got a bad temper (like owner like chin) but I still love her.

Every time I look at her I'd feel so happy, like looking at my own daughter. Nowadays I am thinking about the possibility of getting her a companion. I do think it's quite lonely for her when I am not around. But getting a second chin is no easy business. There is a possiblity that they won't get along. And the fur that both of them are going to shed in my tiny room... oh I can't imagine that... Even with just one chin, when I open my vacuum cleaner's bag (Akira doesn't sell disposable bag elsewhere other than its own showroom in Jurong! ), it's a whole bag of fur... Wonder if I'd get asthma...

However, seeing 2 chins cuddle together is such a 幸福 scene.... but Miko is unlike typical chin, she's almost half the normal chin size. If I get her a companion, must not be one that's normal size which is much bigger than her. I think that won't be easy.

I guess it's not quite possible right now to get another chin. Shall see how.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YY said:
Finally got time to read your blog... your miko got "character" lor... like master like pet...