Saturday, November 04, 2006

Where do shit go?

Have you ever wonder where do shit go? I know I know, shit go into toilet bowl. But what's the process after that. Yeah I know, it goes to the sewage system. But how does the sewage system function? Do you know? I don't. In JB we can see 粪池 here and there, but why doesn't it smell? I always wonder.

So I search from to look for an answer. Quite interesting, if you want to know : Sewer

P.S. Think I'm disgusting? for I talked about shit in two posts.. Well, Aries are disgusting bunch of people who would ask things like "How smelly is the fart?". hehe... I read from a book when I was little, that when you're in the bathtub and you fart, if you're quick enough you can "catch" the fart by turning a glass facing the water and "catch" the gas when it rises and pops from the water surface. haha... that's interesting.

And while I was diving, I sometimes fart. And the air that I release, won't just come out through my wetsuit (at my butt there). Instead, it'll "rise" and come out through the opening at my neck. I had often worried that other divers will notice the air coming out from my neck and they'll know I just farted... hahahaha...

1 comment:

Ah Siang said...

Water into the sewage get processes at the water treatment plant where it gets filtered and treated with chemicals. Our water is not that pure. The only pure water you will get is distilled water in the supermarkets. It goes through the distillation process.