Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My bookmark......

Yesterday I was sitting next to my bed, reading the vampire novel. I put the bookmark on my bed and cover the bookmark with my blanket, because Miko will bite anything she sees.

Miko was jumping all over the place, but I never did notice she stopped for even 2 seconds around my bookmark. Perhaps I was too engrossed in the book. When I finished reading, I realised my bookmark was missing!!!!.... "OH oh..." I thought......

And I went to Miko's "excursion" box (her favourite place when she's out of her cage) and she was in there. I pulled the box out and there was my bookmark.... and this is what was left....

My dolphin was bitten off from the bookmark, and the other end was not spared by Miko's teeth.... Jesus.... This is my favourite bookmark! And my bro bought it for me from Europe!!! This is sooooo maddening!!!!!

Miko ran to hide under her cage. I went over wanted to scold her, who knows she also barked at me!!! Jesus Christ~! This is really like having a daughter who talks back to the mother... arrgghh.. so maddening... 又好气又好笑....

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