Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007~

Happy New Year everyone~~ How was your celebration? I myself hardly celebrate Xmas or new year. I don't quite like the crowd and traffic jam...

But every time when I drive during new year's eve, there seemed to be bad things happened to me. Year 2000, we went to YY house and chat until ... 3am, I think? and when I drove back with ST, there was a major traffic police operation and I made a turn at the wrong place (I never knew we could not turn there...). We were still wondering why did the police stopped us. And I was fined er... RM1oo, I think.

And today, no, yesterday, new year's eve. I drove back to SG house to feed Miko, went shopping and dinner with Gab after that. KR had kindly sms and informed me earlier about G2000 is on sales now. So I went and bought 2 dresses with 50% discount~ so happy about that~~~ I didn't want to buy at that time, but the sales ends on 2nd Jan... so I bought them.

It never crossed my mind to cut off all the price tags when driving back and pass Msia custom. As my car had never been checked, well, maybe once or twice... but this time, hell all cars were being stopped and checked, especially Msia cars. Lucky there were very few cars, else I would have been stucked there for 2 hours cos people have bought many stuffs from SG and they were "negotiating" and other cars can't pass through. The tax is 30%.. THAT is a lot, man. (big money for Haji eh?)

The total for my dress is S$59. I had to be fined RM39 or something. The officer mumbled a lot, that I can't pass the green lane with things on my car lah, this lah that lah. "Whatever.." I thought. I don't want to listen to him, I just want to pay and get the hell out of there. No point talking so much. In the end the officer "kindly" reduced it to RM30 without me asking for it. I thanked him.

Other cars bought a lot... 30% is a hell lot... "Tolong lah, cik..." They said to the officer.

I hate the word "tolong". I hate to say tolong to those officers. When I got that "saman" on year 2000's eve, I said tolong to those officers, cos that was my first time being stopped by traffic police and fined, I was really scared. And it felt horrible. I am an Aries, Aries's pride is ehm, should I say... very "high up"? Whatever the word, you get what I mean. Aries loathe to beg. By saying the word tolong it is like throwing myself (or my pride) onto the floor and let people stamp on me. Thus if I get saman again, I will just accept and pay. Lucky I never did and hopefully there will not be a second time.

If I happened to have bought many stuffs, and tax a lot, I'd probably just pay and leave and not asking "tolong" to the officer. But I sure hope my wallet happened to just have RM30 or RM50.. So I can tell them, I don't have that much to pay. So how? Maybe they'll just say pay whatever you have.

Anyway, I wasn't angry or upset about being taxed lah. It is the law... By the way, my mum knows clothings will be taxed and I don't. How ignorant....

From now on, I'd just make sure I cut off all the price tags for whatever things I bought from SG. And be extra careful on new year's eve. All government operations always happen on new year's eve... Lucky the dresses were 50% off, else really "bo hua" leh...

And, Happy New Year to you all again~

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