Friday, January 26, 2007

The importance of non-chiobu

I am no chiobu.

I am short, I have Jackie Chan’s nose, I have big eye bags (NOT big eyes.. sadly.. haha), etc etc. I am a non-chiobu. If you ask me would I think of plastic surgery my answer would be yes of course. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love myself. I love myself. Everybody knows that. But if given a chance to make myself prettier, more lovable. Why not?

Now that I don’t have the money to “enhance” my beauty, it’s no big deal.

So I am still a non-chiobu.

It doesn’t mean that my life is insignificant. I think non-chiobus are so important. Because, with us non-chiobus around, only then will accentuate chiobus’ beauty. If everybody is chiobu, then nobody is chiobu anymore as everybody will be on the same level in terms of beauty. an unconvincing argument, eh? hehehe…

Anyway, my dream is still to marry a plastic surgeon and have free plastic surgery.

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