Sunday, January 14, 2007

Phuket August '05 - Misc

This is their er... electricity thing. Er... what's the proper name for this???? Pardon my poor vocab...

Pardon this super 自恋me again, I lllooovveee taking photos of me from the back because I see my face everyday but not my back side mah... heeheeheee.....

Dolphins~~~ must take photo~! This was taken at Patong Beach. Patong Beach was very lively and to my surprised, very clean. I love it~

Some artist working. If I am very good at drawing, I might consider working like this.

I love this dive shop~! Got a nice little pool, and a pretty little bridge. Fabulous~!

Dolphins again~~

I (thick-facely) think these 2 photos are "post-card shots".

Restaurants by the beach. I thought these situated by the beach must be expensive, but not really.

I had green mussels. The restaurant boss (or maybe just staff) was very friendly. Basically everybody in Phuket was very friendly, except perhaps, some chinese sellers.

Well, nothing much to write anymore.
Then it was the departure day.

I just love these kind of views..... soooooo nice..........

Unknown islands.


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