Friday, December 30, 2005

Diving at Kusu Island

We went Kusu Island (one of the many small islands on the southern part of Singapore) on Boxing Day to dive there for the first time. None of us have dive there before.

Here's Jean and me.

A shot towards our destination from the bow. I love my picture composition of Jean looking ahead.

Me~! I love my bikini~

There were 8 of us.

Shenton Way. We plan to dive around the rocks next time.

I didn't know how to pose for the picture, and I just showed my booty... what an idiot...

A very beautiful nudibranch...

It is really amazing how technology has advanced over the generations. And I just realised with only one click I can restore the colour from this :

to this :




Fantastic isn't it? and I was still asking CK to help me buy a colour filter for my camera. Lucky he couldn't find it!!!! This is better than having strobes and colour filter!!!

Anyway, there are so many sea fans in Kusu which we can't see in Hantu.. man.. aren't they beautiful. Many of them are at least 1m wide... I was totally excited upon seeing these. and I was so busy taking photos... snap, snap and snap...

This photo was taken by Gabriel. See the colour difference after adjustment. This nudibranch is really weird looking. but this photo is really nice. The nudibranch itself is very sharp, and there were particles seemed like "flying" in the background. It looks almost like snowing.

Another nudibranch. Plenty of these we saw. Many of them were mating.

A cowrie on sea whip.

Jean and bubble coral. Jean looked so cute...
Kusu island is definitely worth going, despite me got stung by sea bites on my feet and hands.... damn itchy man... can't stand... but we'll definitely dive there again~!

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