Friday, December 23, 2005

The usual jam at Checkpoint/Causeway

This morning, I drove to work from JB to Singapore. As I need to take back a gift for my best friend ST's new born bb.

The usual jam at 7am...

It was quite a nice sunrise today. I tried to get a nice photo of it but there were simply too many motorbikes and cars passing by. I asked my brother to take the photo. This is the best we managed to get.

Arrggh... Only one word for this, chaotic.

Or maybe, 2 words will be better, total chaotic.

See what I mean by It's like bad cancer cells ? The motorcylists will "infest" every empty space and the cars can hardly move. People who go through this everyday will become a superb driver, I assure you.

It's tiring to squeeze into buses everyday, or sometimes, worse, have to walk across the Causeway if the jam is really bad. But then driving in everyday is even more stressful.. It's no easy business to drive in this situation, I tell you. Every vehicle is literally inches from each other...

3 lanes of cars, squeezing into one (actually there were 2 lanes but the motorcylists had "make sure" we have only one lane left). I got stuck in between. We really were inching forward.

And FINALLY... (thank God..) We all got in the proper lane...And about 20minutes later, the "causeway jam saga" was over for me. Whew...... but I was expecting a worse jam when returning. However, thank goodness, very "heng" indeed, there was no jam at BKE and Causeway! Hooray! So happy~!

So me and my brother got home before 8pm. And he asked me to go to Giant to do some groceries shopping!! Oh my God! I was so tired.. I had been driving, running errands from 4pm... That's about 4hours of driving in total! Still ask me to go shopping.. God... but in the end, we didn't go. I think I made him and my mum kind of unhappy as they need some groceries on Sunday. My mum is going to make a feast, we are having a Christmas gathering for our relatives. But I am so tired, man......

Oh, the news is reporting about the horrible jam at checkpoint/BKE... I think after I got through checkpoint, the jam started to build up... Thank goodness I was not in the jam~!!!!

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