Thursday, January 12, 2006

Angels And Demons (Contains spoiler)


Contains SPOILER ~ Please do not continue to read this if you haven’t finished reading Angels And Demons or intend to read it. This post CONTAINS SPOILER!
This story is quite unique, it’ll seriously spoil the suspense if you do not skip this post before you finished reading the book.

(I learnt my lesson previously when I didn’t put a spoiler warning and caused someone to know the “unexpected development” in Harry Potter 6 prematurely… so… )

I prefer Angels And Demons than Da Vinci’s Code. It’s more intense and it makes you simply refuse to put down the book.

I knew the mastermind behind it must be someone from the Church, someone from Vatican. Leonardo Vetra must have consulted the Church about his creation as he’s not sure about it ethically. I didn't guess the right person though.

The revelation concerning the camerlengo was a bit too dramatic.. like some Cantonese movies in the 60s… haha… Nevertheless, this twist did surprise me. And it made me wanted to cry. It’s a tragedy for the camerlengo.

(I try not to disclose too many details of the story just in case someone somehow decided to read this post before the book.)

I am a person of science. I do not believe in the Genesis. I believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. And I’m definitely not into Christianity (no offence whatsoever, merely a personal choice, please don’t attack me for this statement). But the camerlengo’s words (from his religious point of view) touched my heart. And because of his words, because of the revelation, my eyes were filled with tears.

Am I too sentimental? I don’t know. This is the second book which made my eyes wet. The first was “Next of Kin – My Conversation With Chimpanzees”. Things about animals touch my heart and make me cry easily. I never thought a book not concerning animals would wet my eyes too. By the way, did you ever see someone shed tears in the train while reading a book? If you did, that person, might be me… hahaha… I swear I tried hard to suppress my tears.. but it wasn’t very successful…

Anyway, I digressed.

Back to Angels And Demons. I wonder the ambigrams in the book were created by the author himself or it’s from ancient books about the Illuminati. It’s really brilliant. It’s very very… ehm.. what word should I use? I don’t know….. Ambigrams are not unusual I guess, but they are not very common either, aren't they? Anyway, when I saw them, they still took my breath away. Are they original? I must surf the author’s website when I have the time. Who ever created it, it’s artistic, it’s creative, it’s nothing but brilliant.

(14th Jan Note : The ambigrams were created by John Langdon.)

I really love this book. It’s really a lot similar with 倪匡's stories. I love it by the fact that, I quote : “the references to all works of art, tombs, tunnels and architecture in Rome are entirely factual (as are their exact locations). They can still be seen today.” It adds a sense of reality to the story.

This is a marvellous book.

Please do share your thought with me about this book if you’d like too.

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