Tuesday, January 03, 2006

We have a thing for animal

Felicia and I have one thing in common. We both avoid movies involving the death of animals.

We didn't watch the much talked about movie - King Kong, because we heard that the king kong dies in the end of the story.

The March Of The Penguins, is a very nice movie. I only watched part of it, it's cute and touching and all but all movies/documentaries concerning the life of an animal would inevitably involve life and death. Babies die because their parents were eaten by predators and are unable to survive on their own, parents mourn for the death of their babies as well. I reckon most people are unaware of this but most of the mammals would grieve for the death of their family... It's sad, extremely devastating for me to watch that kind of scene. And The March Of The Penguins contains such scene too...

When I was little, I remember I watched a movie, ehm.. Sheena or something, the female version of Tarzan. In it, the gorilla, or chimpanzee (can't remember exactly, I was very little) died in the end. And I was sooo.. upset about it and I shed tears. I still do when I watch any animal dies in movies or documentaries.

Our friends think it's unfathomable that our emotion will be so disturbed by scenes of animals dying especially when we all know it's only fiction (in movies). LOL.. I know, it's hard to understand...but we can't help it, Felicia would say the same... We're just born like that. hahahah... but I'm glad that there is someone in this world behaves the same with me in this matter. hahaha... which means I'm not alone and I'm not a weirdo. OR... it means we're both weirdos.. but it doesn't matter. We just love animals so much. We can't help it.

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